Govly Opportunities

Meet our team

Govly’s team combines years of government contracting experience with Silicon Valley technological know-how to deliver unique solutions for government contractors.
Mike Weiland
Founder / CEO
Nick Weiland
Founder / CTO
Oliver Taylor
Jon Wright
Strategic Advisor
David Whitaker
Director of Engineering
Tyler Schwartz
Account Executive
Ryan Lahey
Customer Success Manager
Inna Pavlovich
Head of Finance and Accounting
Mike Schutte
Product Engineer
Jake Rosenberg
Sales Development Representative
Dan Wilbricht
Strategic Advisor
Sydney Hamilton
Sr. Sales Development Representative
Blake Thorne
Head of Marketing
Sonny Hashmi
Strategic Advisor
Shawn Young
Sr. Sales Development Representative
Rachael Roueche
Product Manager
Kiernan Stroup
Account Executive
Elliot Hursh
Product Engineer
Rachel Snider
Tam Citrine
Product Designer
Christian Galo
Research Analyst
Anna Ying
Summer Intern
Maria Mazzochette
Account Executive
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