Govly customers can now capture strategic intel from key government records like never before.
In our continuous effort to provide you with the best tools for winning more government business and setting a long-term strategy, we’re thrilled to introduce our latest round of product updates. Here’s a closer look at what’s new:
Budget Projections
Govly now pulls in agency budget requests and allows your team to have an AI-powered conversation about the details within these documents. This feature offers quick and targeted visibility into your customer priorities and pain points, helping you plan a better strategy and position your team to serve customer needs more effectively.

This feature is currently live for all users in Govly. To get started, once logged in click Budgets in the left-side navigation menu.
AI Opportunity Summaries
No more wasting time combing through RFQs just to understand who's asking for what. With our new AI-powered opportunity summaries, we’ve added high-level overviews for all opportunities, making it easier to focus on the most relevant ones.
This feature is now live for all Govly users.

FOIA Requests
Often, the best customer or competitive intel is buried in public records that are not easily accessible without a Freedom of Information Act request. Govly now processes FOIA requests anonymously on behalf of our customers, bringing this valuable information right to your fingertips

You can new use Govly to get the records you need for your intel, while remaining anonymous to keep your competitive edge.
This feature is live now for all accounts, but only Govly Admins on the account have access. For each customer org, Govly will submit five requests up to $300 each for free.
To get started, click “FOIA Request” in the left-side navigation menu.
More improvements
We’re excited to share even more enhancements and updates this month!
Analytics enhancements: Last month we rolled out new chart interactivity for Opportunities and Awards. Now you can click into any datapoint on the charts to dive deeper and see the related contracts. We’ve been delighted with the positive feedback from customers so far! This month we’ve made Awards even more useful, by enriching and updating the Award charts and allowing you to dive even deeper into data by accessing the award contract.

More SLED feeds: We’ve added even more SLED feeds! The Govly platform now ingests over 700 SLED opportunity sources. These new additions have brought in even more state universities, K-12s, and municipal governments.
Get started
The above features are currently rolling out for all customers. Head to your Govly account to try them out today or get in touch with our team if you’d like to see a demo.
And stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in the near future!