A contract vehicle is a method the US government uses to buy goods and services from the private sector. The US government uses these contracts to purchase various goods and services from all sizes of businesses. These contract vehicles are usually centrally managed by a federal agency. This centralized structure allows the government to reduce its acquisition and administrative costs while expediting procurement timelines.

Whether you work for a reseller, distributor, OEM, or hope to one day, you can expect to hear acronyms like GSA STARS III, SEWP V, or ITES-3H thrown about in conversation. These acronyms, and many others like them, refer to specific contract vehicles through which products and services are bought/sold. Each contract is different in terms of who it serves and what products/services can be bought and sold through it. Check out our vehicle-specific articles to learn more about each one.

Contract vehicles

  • GSA
  • SEWP V
  • ITES-3H
  • ITES-3S
  • ITES-SW2
  • CIO-CS
  • 2GIT
  • NAVWAR E-Commerce
  • SeaPort NxG

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