The NASA SEWP (Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement) GWAC (Government-Wide Acquisition Contract) provides all Federal Agencies (and their contractors) with Information Technology (IT) products and services. The entire Federal Government is allowed to leverage the SEWP contract vehicle because of NASA’s designation as an Executive Agent.

The NASA SEWP contract vehicle gives its Federal Agency customers access to the latest commercial ICT/AV products and services. SEWP is a GWAC consisting of over 140 pre-competed Prime Contract Holders, including more than 100 small businesses.

The SEWP contracts offer access to a diverse selection of technology, including:

  • Security tools
  • Software
  • Cloud services
  • Telecommunication
  • Desktops and servers
  • ICT peripherals
  • Networking equipment
  • Storage systems
  • Health ICT
  • Video conferencing systems
  • Other ICT and Audio-Visual products

SEWP also offers services such as installation and maintenance related to in-scope products. SEWP is able to offer low prices and fast quoting because of the fact that their contracts are pre-competed.

*Information courtesy of

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